Thursday 29 July 2010

Stage 5 of a team: Mourning

Yes unfortunately it's over...

I'm still wakening up round 8am expecting breakfast in dining room and realizing that I'll have to make it on my own... There's also no great new friends to say "Good morning!" to and decide how good it will really be or let me rephrase, how great morning we will make for each other...
No mater how exhausted ware we, there was always hidden shot of energy somewhere deep inside each and every one of us, that helped us get back on track.

Did anyone say procrastination?

We don't do that... right?!?

Who am I kidding. We're all doing it and we will procrastinate just a bit more... but much less that we did it before LSS 2010.

Amazing days of LSS 2010 ware flying by and I met lots of new, interesting, crazy, inspiring, hard-working, funny, dedicated (... running out of adjectives ...) people that gave me new energy and motivation to improve myself, my self-confidence and my perspective of life...

Thank you all for amazing moments during LSS 201o.

I'll be really bold for the end and I'll use really worn out line with a twist:

"I'll be back!" ... next year maybe as LSS trainer...


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