Wednesday 28 July 2010

Friday, 23rd of July: Conflict Management Session

It is Friday but the LSS people don't stop to work, train, have fun and enjoy being together. The Friday afternoon session was about Conflict Management. In the first part we learned about the four different personal characteristics in Conflict Management of which everyone of us is likely to prefer one. The different characteristics each stand for a behaviour during a conflict where generally there is an "in" and an "out" perspective. The "in" perspective is concerned about the self in the conflict whereas the "out " is concerned about the other person in a conflict.
In the second part we talked about effective conflict resolution. We learned about one communication pattern which takes the need of a person into account. The pattern goes as follows:

  1. Observation - statement of observations based on facts without any subjective judgements.
  2. Feel - statement of how this observation makes you feel.
  3. Need - statement of (resulting from the earlier points) what would be needed from the other person (or ingeneral) in order to find solutions for the conflict
  4. Wish/Request - statement of a wish (not order!) to resolve the conflict.
By applying this pattern the different needs of the involved parties are revealed and a conflict becomes easier to attack at the right points.

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