Thursday 22 July 2010

Red Square or How Presentation skills can blow your mind

After long relaxing day in Bohinj and Bled we got some well deserved rest and sleep, well actually I start chatting with friends late in the evening and went to sleep late or early how you take it. After breakfast we ware prepared for new sessions and ware hardly wait for our Presentation skills session.

I was privileged to attend training conducted by Herve. Mind blowing training was also one of most exhausting on this LSS. Even thou we had no additional energizers to maintain our energy level we actually (Uroš and Umut says HIIII!!) didn't even need it. Content was so amazing that we ware focused all the time and sucking information after information, expecting new slides and exercises that Herve was giving us. Helen, Robert, Märt and me ware trying to satisfied Herve's expectations and contribute as much as we could. As trainer myself I got presentation skills training as part of process becoming a trainer, but what Herve gave us was on totally different level. Even just listening to his training anyone would start thinking about past experience and trying to connect it to content of training. Soon you would realized how many "mistakes" ware made even by yourself doing presentations or by others who's presentation you ware attending. His analogy of projecting "red square" too us is still in my head and I believe that I got clear picture of Herve's "red square", maybe not so bright red yet, but will probably get brighter and brighter when I'll go trough handouts after LSS.

Time is passing unnoticeable so it 2 hours since I typed first character and I engage in intersting conversation about differences between EPSA and EESTEC so now is time to move closer to the bed. So see you on trainings in the morning.


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