Tuesday 18 January 2011

"Okay" is just not enough!

Last Wednesday I got to know my new flat mate. Three days after she moved in, because we seem to not only live at different ends of the corridor, but also at different ends of the day. So I don't see her too often. But today I might, as I still want to finish some work and she will probably be getting up very soon. As in maths where straight lines are circles, the different ends of the day meet at some point ; )

Well, this is not what this post should be about. But the paragraph the title hints to is somehow connected to my new flat mate. As we met for the first time in the kitchen/dining and living room, I was just intending to prepare a phone call to the Dutch YiA NA to clear out some doubts we (the LSS 2011 CT) had on which action of the programme to apply on... - okay, irrelevant. I didn't, but instead started chatting with her - would have been impolite to ignore the new flat mate, wouldn't it? Well, so we chatted about what you chat about when meeting and chatting for the first time: about where she came from, what she was doing, the size of her shoes and the size of her bra... - quite small by the way; her shoes, of course. And we didn't talk about it. Neither about her bra. Just noticed the shoe thingy as I saw them standing in the hall way the other day. However, talking about the plans she had and what she was doing now, about how she liked her first days at school, etc., being a smartass as I am, I of course gave her some good advice I personally never had followed - maybe because no one gave me that advice and I had to learn from my mistakes. Well, she mentioned that the school was not exactly what she had expected, classes were not teaching her what she wanted and not the way she wanted it - so, as she seemed to know what she wanted, I told her to best figure out how to get it and then to go and get it. Simple and straight forward. But somehow I myself have just started acting this way recently. In fact a shame at my age. But then today, I remembered a horoscope a friend read to me yeeaaars ago. It stated that at the age of about 28 I would become more selfish, or at least more focused on myself. And strange enough, the day on which I decided to follow the path I am currently following, the day I set my mind to do things the way I am doing them now, a day in late summer 2010, was my 28th birthday.

Okay, next point. The dream she had had had not worked out. She had wanted to join the police and somehow they didn't want her to join them. So, as her mother was a social worker, she decided to follow in her footprints and become a social worker, too. And she mentioned that till now, after her year of initial obligatory internship, it was quite okay... Okay? Quite okay?! "Okay" is not enough! This was the moment when I realized that lately, I have gone beyond. Finally! To me, "okay" is not okay anymore. And I don't want to be satisfied with just "okay" anymore. I want 100%. Or better even a 120%. And I think this thought motivates me. : )

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