Tuesday 18 January 2011

offtopic - more or less...

Do you remember the strings, the blue and green and yellow and pink and red ones? At the LSS 2010, at the closing ceremony, one of our trainers, Wendelien, introduced us to a tradition she had got come across in Thailand: at social events, everyone always presents coloured strings to his beloved ones, to his friends, to people he likes, to show his appreciation. In fact, I do not know exactly. Every of the strings' colours has a meaning: blue is leadership, green is health, yellow is friendship, pink is... I think something like "You're cute" - didn't get any of those, luckily... or not? - and red is love - neither got such. Well, to be honest, I never really got if by presenting such a string you're saying "I wish you..." or "You are..." because the pink one rather fits with "You are... cute" and the green one for example rather fits with "I wish you... health". Or should it be "You're sooo healthy, man!"? Well, "I wish you to be cute... one day" wouldn't be that nice, would it? So, if someone knows better - Wendelien? - please enlighten me. Or rather, post a comment and enlighten all of us. Sharing is caring, Baby!

Oh, and the reason of this post: Yesterday, my strings tore. Strange feeling, to have my right arm blank now. Although before, I had never been carrying any jewellery, bracelets, or anything else on my arms. Now, somehow something's missing. Well...

Just had a short chat with my new flat mate, and let her know that she has been written about on the internet and will become famous. I had been planning to get up early and go to work early, today. It's 7:46am. Don't think that that will work out. Time to go to bed. Wish you all a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Red - sexy
    Pink - funny
    Blue - great leader
    Yellow - friendship
    Green - (don't remember)

    Mine are slowly breaking apart also... slowly... but I think they will survive a bit more...
    Strings are constant reminder of great times on LSS and a kind of memory storage... also orange rubber bands goes on the same memory lane... :D
