Tuesday 19 October 2010

Let's see if I learned something on LSS

It's been a while when I last posted anything on this blog, but it's time to do it again.

My training days are starting soon and I'm loving every moment, even though it takes lots of time to prepare... Thanks to great trainers on LSS 2010 I'm full of motivation and ideas how to improve my trainings, how to make them more fun and as Herve would say; how to transmit little red square from my mind to mind of others.

Being inspired by Dan with his great drawings we all admired and following Herve's links on TrainersForum I found out how to make flip-charts more memorable and now I'm slowly implementing some tricks in future training materials... Soon my new room will get a make over with flip-charts hanging on all walls, so will be able to practice when I'll have time to spare...

At the moment I'm packing for 1st eeStec Trainer's Meeting in Banja Luka (Bosnia) and my mind is full of memories of LSS and can't wait to share my experience of LSS with other trainers.

Now I'm floating to my soft side so it's better to stop typing than to start being crybaby :D

Guys, girls... I miss u all... Hope to see you soon somewhere...
